Warning: This project has been discontinued!


Directory structure

Short overview of the application directories and their purposes:

  • config/
    Contains all configuration files (i.e. database/email configuration)
  • data/
    • cache/
      May contain cache files which lead to faster program execution. Can be emptied without risk.
    • db/
      Contains the database definitions. Will be required if the automatic database setup fails and database tables must be created manually.
    • docs/
      Contains (mostly technical) documentation.
    • log/
      Contains error logs, if some occured. Otherwise (which is nice) empty.
    • res/
      Contains additional resources required for program execution (i.e. translations).
    • session/
      Contains the temporary PHP session files.
  • module/
    Contains the modules of the system and thus the core software files.
  • public/
    The public directory is where the webserver should route all requests for your (sub)domain into.
    • css/
    • docs/
    • imgs/
    • js/
    • misc/
      CSS files, images and JavaScript files of the system. Should not be changed.
    • css-client/
    • docs-client/
    • imgs-client/
    • js-client/
    • misc-client/
      These directories are intended for custom files (like custom CSS definitions, logos, icons ...). Also, the system writes file uploads here.
  • vendor/
    Contains third party libraries the hotel system depends on (most importantly Zend Framework 2). Either comes bundled with the package or has to be installed via Composer.
Created by: Tobias Krebs
Updated: August 2014