Warning: This project has been discontinued!



The ep-3 Hotelsystem is a web application. It requires a webserver to run.

System requirements

The latest stable versions are usually recommended.

  • Apache HTTP Server 2+
    • mod_rewrite
  • MySQL 5+
  • PHP 5.4+
    • intl-extension
  • Zend Framework 2.3+

Besides these rather usual requirements, the system also needs

  • the PHP intl-extension
  • the PHP Imagick-extension

to be installed and functional.

Furthermore, a linux operating system is generally recommended for webserver deployments.


The requirement of the Apache webserver is basically because of the use of its rewrite engine (mod_rewrite). If you replace the .htaccess-file manually with an appropriate substitute, you may use another webserver as well.

The system is based on Zend Framework 2.3+, which means it profits from its database abstractions. With a little bit of work, you may use it with another database management system ZF2 supports.

Created by: Tobias Krebs
Updated: August 2014