Warning: This project has been discontinued!


Protected pages

These pages are only accessible if you are logged in to an own user account.

My profile

This is the personal area for registered guests where they find the following pages.

When logged in, the profile link is displayed either in the header (then only on the portal page) or in the footer (then always).

My bookings

This page is still work in progress and not yet implemented. It is intended to display a list of all previous bookings, including billing information and eventually the possibility to cancel them.

My account

This page allows to see and edit the personal data related to the own user account, as well as changing the password or deleting the account altogether.

This page is not only available to registered guests, but also to administration and assist accounts in order to manage their own profile and login data.

My account


This area allows administration and assist users to manage the system.

When logged in, the administration link is displayed either in the header (then only on the portal page) or in the footer (then always).

More information is available on the dedicated administration page.

Created by: Tobias Krebs
Updated: August 2014